Stress reliver foods
Instead of reaching for traditional comfort foods when you feel totally overwhelmed, what if you filled your plate with stress-fighting foods? These healthy eats may not have the draw of bubbling mac ‘n cheese, but they’ll deliver much better results, especially over...
Key pregnancy nutrition
A pregnant woman needs more calcium, folic acid, iron and protein than a woman who is not expecting. Here is why these four nutrients are important. Folic acid, also known as folate when the nutrient is found in foods, is a B vitamin that is crucial in helping to...
Child Health and Nutrition
Stunted growth, also known as stunting and nutritional stunting, is a reduced growth rate in human development. It is a primary manifestation of malnutrition (or more precisely under nutrition) and recurrent infections, such as diarrhoea and helminthiasis, in...
Garcinia Cambogia
What is Garcinia Cambogia Fruit? Is Garcinia Cambogia a fruit? Absolutely! What is Garcinia Cambogia fruit? The fancy-sounding name is just the Latin name for the fruit, which is known as a gamboge or Malabar tamarind. It looks kind of like a baby pumpkin, and the...
What is menopause?Most women begin menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. The average age for menopause onset in the India was 50 years old, and above. Early menopause usually refers to onset before age 40, which is commonly observed these days….Menopause occurs...